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라는 문법: 한국어 습득자라면 클릭해서 확인하세요!


라는 文法

라는 (Raneun) is a grammar point in the Korean language that is used to explain and specify the word that follows it. It is formed by combining the verb ending -라/다 with the connecting particle -는, creating -라/다+는. This structure allows for the omission of the subject or the verb depending on the context. 라는 is a versatile grammar point that is used in various contexts to enhance the readability of a sentence.

Grammar Functions of 라는

1. 주어+동사+라는 (Subject + Verb + 라는)

This form is used to explain or emphasize what the subject is doing or going to do. It adds clarity to the sentence and provides a more descriptive meaning.

Example sentence: “나는 너를 사랑한다는 말을 했다.”
Translation: “I said, ‘I love you.'”

In this example, the speaker explicitly clarifies that they said the words “I love you.” It emphasizes the act of saying those words.

2. 주어+형용사+라는 (Subject + Adjective + 라는)

This form is used to describe or explain the subject using an adjective. It adds more specificity to the sentence and provides additional information.

Example sentence: “그는 무심한 척 하면서 다른 사람의 이야기를 듣다가 들큰 소리를 치며 웃었다는 말이다.”
Translation: “It is said that he listened to other people’s stories pretending to be indifferent but burst into laughter.”

In this example, the speaker explains the actions of “he” using descriptive words. It provides a better understanding of his behavior.

3. 주어+명사+라는 (Subject + Noun + 라는)

This form is used to explain or define the subject using a noun. It adds specificity and helps to clarify the subject’s identity.

Example sentence: “이 사건은 무슨 일이 있는 지는 나도 모르는 상태에서 일어났다는 점이 문제이다.”
Translation: “The problem is that this incident occurred while I, too, was unaware of what happened.”

In this example, the speaker emphasizes their lack of knowledge about the incident, highlighting the fact that they were unaware of what was going on.

4. 주어+부사+라는 (Subject + Adverb + 라는)

This form is used to explain or describe the subject using an adverb. It adds more depth to the sentence and emphasizes the subject’s characteristics or actions.

Example sentence: “많은 사람들이 이미 알고 있겠지만, 그녀는 아주 센스 있고 차분한 사람이라는 말이다.”
Translation: “Although many people already know, she is a very sensible and calm person.”

In this example, the speaker emphasizes the qualities of the person being described, emphasizing their sensible and calm nature.

5. 주어+동사+어간+라는 (Subject + Verb stem + 라는)

This form is used to explain or emphasize that the subject performed a specific action or behavior.

Example sentence: “사건의 진상은 모두가 알고 있으므로 다시 설명하지 않겠다는 점만 언급한다.”
Translation: “Since everyone knows the truth of the incident, I will only mention that I won’t explain it again.”

In this example, the speaker avoids reiterating the details by explicitly mentioning that they won’t explain it again, focusing only on that aspect.

6. 주어+형용사+어간+라는 (Subject + Adjective stem + 라는)

This form is used to explain or describe the subject using the stem of an adjective, giving more meaning and clarity to the sentence.

Example sentence: “그는 일단 편안한 분위기를 조성하자마자 깜짝 놀랐다는 표정을 짓으면서 어떤 사실을 언급했다.”
Translation: “As soon as he created a comfortable atmosphere, he made a surprised expression while mentioning something.”

In this example, the speaker describes the behavior of the person using the adjective verb stem, emphasizing their surprise.

7. 주어+명사+어간+라는 (Subject + Noun stem + 라는)

This form is used to explain or define the subject by using the stem of a noun, giving it a more specific and descriptive meaning.

Example sentence: “완전히 잠든 것 같아 보였던 그의 친구가 큰 소리로 부르는 꿈을 보다가 벌떼처럼 해질 때, 나도 놀라는 말이다.”
Translation: “When his friend, who seemed completely asleep, started shouting like a swarm of bees in a dream, I was also surprised.”

In this example, the speaker uses the noun “꿈” (dream) to explain the situation and emphasize their surprise.

8. 주어+부사+어간+라는 (Subject + Adverb stem + 라는)

This form is used to explain or emphasize the subject’s behavior or characteristics using the stem of an adverb.

Example sentence: “지금부터는 슬픈 얘기를 하려는 게 아니라, 새로운 출발을 한다는 생각으로 글을 써보려고 합니다.”
Translation: “From now on, I’m not trying to tell a sad story. Instead, I’m writing with the thought of starting anew.”

In this example, the speaker explains their intention to write with a new perspective, emphasizing their shift in focus.

FAQs about 라는 文法

Q: Can 라는 be used in formal writing?
A: Yes, 라는 can be used in both informal and formal writing.

Q: Can I omit the subject or the verb when using 라는?
A: Yes, depending on the context, the subject or the verb can be omitted.

Q: What is the difference between 라는 and 이라는?
A: Both 라는 and 이라는 have the same meaning; however, 라는 is more commonly used.

Q: Can 라는 be used with any verb or adjective?
A: Yes, 라는 can be used with any verb or adjective to explain or emphasize the subject’s action or description.

Q: Can 라는 be used to ask questions?
A: No, 라는 is not used to ask questions. It is used to explain and specify the following word.

In conclusion, 라는 is a versatile grammar point in the Korean language that is used to explain and specify the word that follows it. It has various functions, such as describing actions, emphasizing characteristics, and defining subjects. By using 라는, sentences become more precise and readable. Whether it’s informal or formal writing, 라는 can be applied effectively to enhance understanding and provide clarity.

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